Why Creativity and Emotions in Advertising Matter More than Ever


Why Creativity and Emotions in Advertising Matter More than Ever

Missed our webinar with Kantar on Creativity and Emotions in Advertising? On October 8th, 2020, Affectiva's Co-Founder & CEO, Rana el Kaliouby, and Kantar’s Global Head of Creative, Insights Division, Daren Poole, co-hosted this webinar on why emotional engagement and creativity in advertising matter in a changing world. They shared novel techniques to test consumer engagement and discussed how the pandemic has accelerated an innovation mindset that is driving much greater efficiencies and lasting industry change.

With ever-changing government responses to the global pandemic, people’s attitudes towards COVID-19 are in flux. It’s difficult for brands to determine the right messages and creatives that are authentic, empathetic and thoughtful. On top of that, budgets have been slashed. Brands are being forced to reflect and evolve: going dark is not an option, but how can they spend smarter and make advertising work longer? More than ever before, it is important to stay close to the consumer and frequently test the impact of brand content.

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